SoilmaxNZ is a trading name for the Law Partnership of Rob, Andy and Claire Law, Taihape. We are based in the northern Rangitikei farming 11,000 stock units on 800 hectares of rolling hill country. In addition we operate a Cross-slot drilling and Soilmax drainplowing business in our district. In 2009 we won the Supreme Ballance Farm Enviroment Award for the Horizons Region. Rob holds a B.Agr.Sci and Andy a B.Agr and postgrad Dip.Agr.Sci , all from Massey.
We have a strong interest in farm improvement which translates into plenty of fencing, fertiliser, farm forestry, no-till cropping and re-grassing etc. Drainage is a natural part of that process as often our best soils are also very wet. Properly installed subsurface drains not only improve production in the field but also improve the quality of the water going into our waterways. Southland trials showed a marked decrease in phosphate, organic matter and silt in streams alongside well drained soils. The soil and pipes acts like a sieve allowing excess water to soak through the soil rather than runoff overground taking valuable nutrients with it. Good for your pasture and good for the fishing!
A couple of winters ago Andy, Claire and kids relocated to southern Indiana for 3 months at the invitation of Soilmax USA to learn about drainplowing. Andy worked for a drainage contractor and spent time at the factory learning all he could about the machines while Claire and the kids enjoyed a second summer in the American mid-west. Convinced of the potential we have become Soilmax’s NZ dealer and imported the first plows into the southern hemisphere.